Friday, May 28, 2010


Lord help me, please???
Opened a twitter account last night and have not got a clue what I am doing.
If this means anything, I think think the account is @Seaside_Stampin. Put a tweet upthere from the show this weekend...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stamping by the Sea 2010 - IS NOW HISTORY!

Well, the sun has set on yet one more Stamping by the Sea event. No one was arrested, killed or permanently mamed, so we did good. We did have someone with a kidney stone (major OUCH!) and another person had nasty bug bite of some kind (maybe a spider) while visiting Assateague Island.

If you attended, we hope that you had a very good time. Please feel free to share your comments about your experience at the show. This year we had 16 different class (the most ever!) offerings plus the Friday night Make & Take Dessert Reception. Got some photos your enjoyment.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Addition to the Seaside Stampin' Ink Family

First of all, let me wish all the "Moms" a Happy Mothers' Day! I hope that your day was filled with all the joy and happiness that you indeed deserve. I did not get to see my mom, but I did have a lengthy phone conversation with her. I hope that it brightened her busy day - I think it did.

This post has nothing to do with rubber stamps, scrap-booking or paper crafting and I do apologize to you for that.
I just thought that something different may be in order and you might like to hear about a happy ending...

We welcomed "Major" as the newest member of the Seaside Stampin' Ink family last Saturday. He is a 3 1/2 year-old retired racing greyhound who came all the way from Florida. He is a handsome and happy boy! I am delighted to have him and he joins 2 other dogs, 7 cats and 5 birds who also reside with us, but who really belong to Kathy & my daughter, Kelly. Tragically, we lost one of our family dogs and my personal buddy ("Rusty" - a lab mix) in March while we were attending the StampScrapArtTour Show in Philly/Oaks, PA. I did not think the loss would effect me as much as it did and I found myself in very unfamiliar territory...
So I began my research on the extensive greyhound rescue efforts all across the country as a way of dealing with the loss of dear "Rusty".
"Major" is the result of my research and my new very special companion. I saved his life and he may be saving mine. If you get a chance to meet him in person, you can't help but like him - he is just one of those kind of guys! An absolute sweetheart, he is!